
Master’s thesis on the management of medical applications for embedded systems using the Internet of Things following the Model-Based Design approach (Link to thesis)

Kaiserslautern, DE

  • Development of a comprehensive algorithm for real-time processing of biological signals such as an electrocardiogram in MATLAB and Simulink
  • Implementation of connectivity with low-level hardware drivers directly, as well as through a hardware abstraction layer named Mbed
  • Sending real-time data over a local Ethernet network via UDP and TCP/IP, as well as to the cloud for the Internet of Things
  • Analysis and characterization of the system in order to compare the two types of connectivities with hardware drivers, and discussion on the numerical results provided by the application during the different development phases


Master of Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (UNI)

Kaiserslautern, DE

  • Project management
  • Software engineering with specialization in embedded systems
  • Code quality and product line engineering
  • Requirements engineering and software architecture
  • Componants engineering and software models
  • Real-time systems and dependability engineering


Bachelor in Physics (UNI)

Geneva, GE

  • Courses: electrodynamics, classical and quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, astrophysics, particles and nuclei, materials
  • Data Processing with MATLAB for stellar models in astronomy
  • Radiation protection for B and C types laboratories
  • Applied physics Laboratories


Diploma in the field of speech recognition (Link to thesis)

Yverdon-les-Bains, VD

  • Development of a comprehensive hidden Markov chain speech recognition under MATLAB
  • Porting of this speech recognition in C to implement it on a 32-bit floating point SHARC DSP from Analog Devices


Engineering degree in telecommunications (HES)

Yverdon-les-Bains, VD

  • Audio and video signal processing
  • Wired and wireless telecommunication networks
  • Analog electronics, digital electronics, and embedded systems


Professional Technical Maturity (MPT)

Vevey, VD